EC2202 Data structures and Object Oriented Programming Important Questions for 3rd sem ECE Reg 2008 - Anna University Multiple Choice Questions

EC2202 Data structures and Object Oriented Programming Important Questions for 3rd sem ECE Reg 2008

  • Subject Name : Data structures and Object Oriented Programming
  • Subject Code : EC2202
  • Department : Electronics And Communication Engineering
  • Semester : 3rd sem
  • Year : 2nd yr
Unit 1
1. Write about Tokens and expressions.
2. Explain functions with an examples.
3. Explain constructors with an example.
4. Explain Operator overloading.
5. Explain type conversion with an example.

Unit 2
1. Explain Inheritance with an example.
2. Explain pointers with an example.
3. Explain polymorphism with an example.
4. What is exception handling?
5. What is manipulating strings?

Unit 3
1. Writ about Lists and stacks with algorithms.
2. Explain priority queues.
3. What are heaps?
4. Write about hashing with an example.

Unit 4
1. Write about AVL trees.
2. Explain topological sorts.
3. Explain minimum spanning trees.
4. What is completeness?

Unit 5
1. Explain insertion sort with an example.
2. Explain quick sort.
3. Explain greedy algorithm with an example.
4. Explain divide and conquer algorithm.
5. Explain dynamic programming.

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